This guide will give you some tips and tricks on how to more effectively use your phone system. Enjoy some of our insider knowledge!

Attended transfer *2

You can do an attended transfer by dialing *2 while on a call.

Blind Transfer ##

You can do a blind transfer by dialing ## while on a call.

Echo Test *43

Dialing *43 will do an Echo Test. Echo tests are a good way to test your sound quality and latency so you can hear yourself as callers hear you.

Extension *65

Dialing *65 will speak your extension number.

Follow Me *21

As long as you have Follow Me setup on your extension, you can toggle it on-and-off by dialing *21.

Pound #

The pound key (#) functions the same as the dial key. Press pound after an extension number to dial immediately. It will also function as a redial if pressed alone.

Star *

The star key (*) goes straight to voicemail if placed before an extension number. If you want to transfer a caller directly to voicemail (e.g. extension 101), press Transfer+*+1+0+1+Dial 

Blacklist *32  

You can blacklist (block) the last caller with this feature code. The system will ask you to confirm the number. Make sure it's the one you wanted!

Time Conditions [varies]

Each Time Condition has a feature code that you can call to toggle. If you want to utilize this on your system, contact Freshphone to find out your feature code.

Hub User Voicemail

You can listen to and edit your voicemail and greetings at

Voicemail *97 and *98

To go to your extension's voicemail, press *97. Similarly, *98 will let you login to voicemail from any phone (provided that you know the extension and password).

Emergency Location 933

Dialing 933 from a desk phone will let you know to which address that phone is registered to for emergency (911) services. You must inform Freshphone if your phone moves to a different address for 911 services.